Welcome to Creating Impact and Authority with words.

Helping Writers create power, connection and books that sell.

"The 3 day conference that sets you and your book up to make a lasting impact, foster meaningful connections with clients, establish your authority in your industry, drive significant sales, and unlock new avenues for wealth creation."


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Years Experienced


Award Won

Why Us?

If you pour your heart and soul into writing a book, and it fades into obscurity, it will break your heart.

Don't do that, let us help.


Years Experience

Why the heck do this workshop?

Expect to work your fingers off in three days!

Authors Webpage

Your authors webpage is the first thing publishers will see when they check you out. Avoid mistakes and learn to captivate from first glance with Chase Neely of "Leverage Brands"

Community and Collaboration

We are stronger together, always. And every team needs a coach! Jessica Koch is doing double duty in this workshop, teaching tips, tricks and shortcuts for you build your own community, but also launching something new and exciting.

Writing Back Copy First

There's a little known strategy for writing these 250 words that you''ll discover here... resulting in clarity, confidence, and quickly taking action to start and finish writing your book.

Five ways a magazine will turbo charges your business.

  1. Grab automatic authority in your niche.

  2. Turn competitors into collaborators

  3. Deepen communication with your clients

  4. Marketing is a profit centre

  5. Turn content into chapters


Overview of the publishing industry, a sample of books that have sold and why. Pros and cons for self-publishing versus traditional publishing.

Steps for writing a prescriptive business memoir or a steps-related business book.

Why start with your back cover

Writing your back cover sets the tone, and direction for your book.

Clarity leads to simplicity, acting as a road map, not just for your book, but how you will connect with your readers.

Positioning and sales

Once your book is ready, it is too late to position it and build momentum so it does great things. Dave from Leverage Brands will set you up with a to do list so your book is ready for the big leagues.

Let's get to work!

Three days, two segments of teaching a day.

Breakout rooms to work on your assignments and time to answer questions.

This is a WORK- shop, expect to make real progress.

Want more help?

Although we will be doing a really deep amount of work over the three days you may decide you want more help.

All our teachers are available for ongoing coaching and assistance to get you from here to where you want to go!

And they will have special offers!

Our Team

Chase Neely

Randy Peyser

Jessica Koch

Jill Burk-Currator

Connecting you to the future you dream of!

Christine Kloser

Jill Burk-Currator

Connecting you to the future you dream of!

Why Choose Us

Empowering Authors

About Randy Peyser

Our authors' books have:

Made the USA Today and The Wall Street Journal Bestseller ListsBeen featured in the Hudson Booksellers at airports across the countryChosen as top picks by Publishers WeeklyAppeared in Oprah Magazine, Time Magazine, and Cosmo MagazineBeen on Hallmark TV and Daily Mail TVBeen optioned for film by Hollywood movie producersBeen sold nationally in bulk to FedEx/OfficeAchieved prestigious awards

Please feel free to send your manuscript for a bid for the read through and analysis.Thank you!

About Chase Neely

Books you establish authority and deep connections with your audience, but they a small part of a well developed plan, we look at how to more completely map your journey.

Leverage Brands is here to help your business build trust with its customers and generate more revenue. We would love to talk about how—set up your free consultation call today.

About Christine Kloser

Best-selling author and award-winning publisher of nearly 700 transformational authors - with 30 years of experience helping leaders, visionaries and creatives move past any blocks and fears to develop books, businesses and lives that create impact, income and influence in the world. Her clients have been seen on TEDx, ABC, CBS, The Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Forbes and many more.

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